Report your lost or stolen card to the Admission Office at (719) 846-5621 located in the Admission Office in Berg 201. If the office cannot be reached, the voicemail will explain what to do after hours or on weekends.
Speak with any our campus restaurant managers or chef’s to navigate your best dining options on campus. You can contact the Trinidad Junior College Dining Services office at any time with questions (719) 846-5629.
In the Sullivan Student Center Dining Hall, the setting is designed as an all you can eat facility. You are free to pick from any number of entrées and side dishes to enjoy while you are in the facility, but you are only allowed to take a piece of fresh fruit, ice cream cone, or cookie from the facility.
We love to have your feedback. Please feel free to talk with any of our managers at any time. You can also fill out a comment card in any of our dining facilities, send an online comment through our dining website, or through our Bite app.